Military Families Aid

❝ Turning Worry into Well-being ❞

This program assists US Military and Veteran families in paying monthly bills, and to help US Military and Veteran families in urgent need. 

This program is an addition to the numerous other programs created for our US Military, Veterans, and their families by Patriotic Hearts (EIN: 20-8799179). We are an award-winning 501c3 non-profit that has been serving US Military and Veterans for 20 years.

Our plan is to provide this service for all US Military Families across the USA, and to increase the amount of aid as grants, donations and sponsorships increase. 

Improving the Wellbeing of American Heroes and Their Families.


How to Apply

Applicants fill out a form and give us proof of military service, and details of the bill(s) needed to have paid. Couples without children qualify too.

Military Family Needs Posting Board

wife huggingWe have created a posting board to list the needs we receive. Your name and contact info will NOT be used. The posting will only list your military branch, your city, and your request for assistance. – This allows potential donors to see your needs and be inspired to participate. In this way, more citizens will give, and more US Veteran families can be lifted up. — We will broadcast this page and seek to find the donation that your family needs.

Recipients: To launch Military Families Aid, Patriotic Hearts is setting aside funds every month to assist Military families to help them make ends meet. As donations are made, the number of US Veterans families we assist will increase each month, and the amount we give too. — This is just the beginning.

wife hugging We have created a posting board to list the needs we receive. Your name and contact info will NOT be used. The posting will only list your military branch, your city, and your request for assistance. – This allows potential donors to see your needs and be inspired to participate. In this way, more citizens will give, and more US Veteran families can be lifted up. — We will broadcast this page and seek to find the donation that your family needs.

Recipients: To launch Military Families Aid, Patriotic Hearts is setting aside funds every month to assist Military families to help them make ends meet. As donations are made, the number of US Veterans families we assist will increase each month, and the amount we give too. — This is just the beginning.

How You Can Support Us

military family

You can donate here: – Please specify “Military Families Aid.” And, if you have selected a particular family, please include their posting board Identification #.

Volunteer: If you would like to assist our efforts with your talents, resources, or time please let us know by writing [email protected].

Grants and Corporate Sponsorships: We are seeking to build up our funding and expand our reach. If you or your company would like to participate, please write to [email protected].

cardonationCar Donations: You can also donate unused vehicles by calling 1-888-433-6202

Please Subscribe to this site and help us to raise awareness by Liking, Sharing, and Commenting on our posts about this program.

God bless all US Military Veterans and Families!

Mark & Tori Baird

You can donate here: – Please specify “Military Families Aid.” And, if you have selected a particular family, please include their posting board Identification #.

Volunteer: If you would like to assist our efforts with your talents, resources, or time please let us know by writing [email protected].

Grants and Corporate Sponsorships: We are seeking to build up our funding and expand our reach. If you or your company would like to participate, please write to [email protected].

CardonationCar Donations: You can also donate unused vehicles by calling 1-888-433-6202

Please Subscribe to this site and help us to raise awareness by Liking, Sharing, and Commenting on our posts about this program.

God bless all US Military Veterans and Families!

Mark & Tori Baird

How It Works

Military families in need simply submit a request for relief from their local chapter. Those we are able to assist each month are selected and contacted. Our volunteers visit each family, confirm their need, and then issue a full or partial relief payment, as our funds permit.

Our Vision

This is great volunteer opportunity for communities across America to create their own Military Families Aid chapter, especially if they are near a US Military base or have a sizeable US Veteran population. Local service organizations, churches, and companies in each region can participate in sponsoring it. Grants are also available. 

Contact Us

300 Carlsbad Village Dr., Ste 108A, #159, Carlsbad, CA [email protected]
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